Feb 14Liked by The Rational Mariner.

Excellent history! I was reading about the loss of Repulse and Prince of Wales recently.

My wife and youngest daughter love Masterpiece and British period dramas. They are currently watching one called "All creatures great and small" about a small group of British Veterinarians in the English countryside during the lead up to and early years of WW2.

One of the smaller characters is in the Navy, and appeared in a scene just before he shipped out in his uniform with cap. British sailor caps of the time carried the name of their ship, and his was HMS Repulse.

I had to break it to the ladies that this character was likely not going to be coming back from the war.

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The wrecks of the Repulse and Prince of Wales have been damaged significantly by Chinese or Malaysian salvagers.

They dive down and cut parts off or wrap significant portions of the ship with det chord then blow the ship up and bring up the pieces for scrap by the barge load. Several of the wrecks are completely gone, leaving only an intention in the seafloor where the ship used to be.

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Feb 14Liked by The Rational Mariner.

I saw that. Such a shame. But I also guess it's to be expected from people who do not share our values.

I used to love wreck diving, but I only ever got to dive on 1 war-wreck. A U-boat off the coast of North Carolina, and it was mostly sand covered.

Have not had the time or $$ since the kiddos started popping out and that's been almost 20 years.

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It is a shame but it's interesting to see people reaction to the allied ships but then don't get upset with the way the Tirpitz wreck was salvaged and the crew's remains were desecrated by the Norwegians because of the anger they had towards the German occupiers.

I can understand the anger but as a former navy sailor and current mariner, I can also respect an enemy who died in aervice of their country, especially when they die in a way that could happen to me.

It seems so easy for us all to forget other people's humanity some times.

I've wanted to wreck dive for a long time and I'm getting to the point in life where that might actually be a possibility.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by The Rational Mariner.

We’re the destroyers of that time Iowa class of something all together different?

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Something else altogether. Iowa class only referred to the the four battleships of that design. Destroyers were small escort ships that were used for finding submarines, shooting down airplanes, and providing gun fire support for landing forces. Check out the Fletcher class destroyer USS Kidd. She's preserved as a museum in Baton Rouge.

Destroyers might be interesting to write about. I may come up with something about those ships soon.

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