Nov 25, 2023Liked by The Rational Mariner.

This is how we work. Someone shared your site and I read this piece while exploring it.

A few years ago I wrote a post on my predecessor site talking about starting in my little corner, inspired by driving by the marker denoting the southwest corner of Delaware on a daily basis.

We talk about changing a nation and a world, but it has to start through actions we take. I try and use my writing talents in the manner of creating good soil by removing the rocks and thorns (like the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.) But we can also help out by supporting local farmers and artisans where we can, as pointed out here.

Once we get the corners, we can work outward.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by The Rational Mariner.

The company I work for bought some equipment from Chinese manufacturer. I was sent to inspect the product before shipment. Talk about soul crushing. I came home with a real appreciation for made in America.

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Agreed. You are right. WE have to start at the most simple level. Coming together on a trust basis and build from there. It is trust and doing the right thing between us. WE have a long way to go my friend. A long road to travel certainly not for the faint of heart but to those who believe in America and are willing to travel down this road filed with no promises and no guarantees of success. LOL, call it the thrill of the hunt.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by The Rational Mariner.

I’m not sure I still have it. Will look. Thank you. May be a few days

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by The Rational Mariner.

I agree with everything you said! Keep it up.

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Well said sir. While I do agree that starting small is the way to go. But it will be hard to scale upwards from the mom and pop stores. For example lets talk about our power generation problem. If WE as a nation want to get back to basics within the power production area by building and maintaining generating stations that are reliable and easily scaled IE coal, nuclear, gas and oil WE have to provide guarantees to investors that an administration that in fact does repeal crippling regulations, bureaucratic red tape, delays, permits, fees will stay that way. But then in maybe 4 years or eight years or 40 an administration comes in and reinstates all that was initially in place thereby effectively trashing any investment that was made. Investor confidence and trust must be restored and enshrined in any energy policy going forward. That confidence must hold up for generations. You will not see one nickle invested if there is ANY fear that the government will reinstate mandates, rules, laws et al at a moments notice or a more devious and odious method of incremental regulatory additions, a tried and true method as WE have seen. It is a huge undertaking that will take at least a generation. The industries that have to be rebuilt IE steel mills, forges, boiler production, heavy piping and on and on will take time. I'm not saying it can't be done, it can, Americans can do this. WE have the resolve and fortitude but like the old saying goes "you can't fight city hall".

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Came here from your Gab post.

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